With the new visual identity, T:>Works also released its new mission and direction.
With the new visual identity, T:>Works also released its new mission and direction.
T:> Works is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu.
T:> Works is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu. Nunc eget dictum felis. Nam quis tristique lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce consectetur ligula et sollicitudin varius. Duis sollicitudin, ipsum in iaculis convallis, massa est suscipit risus, et dictum nisi magna vel massa. Nullam eu neque vel neque ultricies ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec feugiat justo nibh, id pharetra quam posuere ac. Integer ut posuere risus, pharetra auctor mi. Phasellus arcu nibh, condimentum et fringilla vulputate, feugiat sed elit. Praesent a sem turpis. Nullam convallis porttitor nisl vel consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam egestas molestie est id laoreet. Nunc interdum fermentum urna, ac sollicitudin urna fermentum vel. Integer dictum sapien felis, imperdiet pellentesque est molestie in. In augue est, interdum sagittis gravida nec, efficitur sit amet orci. Etiam convallis purus et lobortis efficitur. Duis eu orci gravida, volutpat elit vitae, rhoncus libero. Integer ornare nisl volutpat turpis tristique, at malesuada massa elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum eleifend ullamcorper. Proin tortor nisl, ullamcorper id tortor a, semper interdum velit. Aenean id ultrices tellus.

A single girl meets a single man at a single party.

A poignant yet tragic tale of a deformed man rejected by society in Victorian England.

Mild-mannered schoolteacher Miss Vanda meets Chinese-educated engineer Victor at a Friendship Development Unit (FDU) party. Before their romance can blossom, she is cruelly struck by a TV set hurled out of a HDB flat in Toa Payoh.

The Swedish classic by August Strindberg written a hundred years ago is about the midsummer’s night seduction of a young noblewoman by her suave valet.

Adapted from the famous novella by Franz Kafka, where salesman Gregor Samsa wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect.

Three Children is about three grown-up siblings — two sisters and a brother — returning to their childhood home on Kappan Road in Malacca.

Edith Piaf’s funeral was as crazy and theatrical as her life. This is her unique story.

In Kantan, Jiro, a spoiled young man, returns to his hometown in search of his old nanny and the pleasures of a magic pillow she is reputed to own. In Hanjo, Hanako, a young geisha, waits in exquisite sorrow and longing for Yoshio, her lover.

Recognised as a classic, The Maids, on the surface, is a tale of how two maids plot to kill their beautiful but insensitive mistress. Diary Of A Madman tells of how a downtrodden minor civil servant, Poprishchin, is trapped by his position on the social scale.

Pressure mounts as the sales force in a small property firm realises that deals are hard to close during an economic recession. The salesman’s maxim, always be closing, becomes more urgent than ever.

A woman has been raped, but the story of the crime when retold again and again is different each time.

Avenue Of Dream is a one-act play on the squalid lives of a pregnant prostitute and her apathetic daughter in New York City. Second Chance is a play which addresses the sensitive issue of maintaining self-worth in old age.

An accurate historical record of what once happened to a village about 200 km southwest of Beijing, Fanshen is the story of how the peasants of Long Bow built a new world.

A double bill directed by Ong Keng Sen, featuring the plays Jackson On A Jaunt by Eleanor Wong and As If He Hears by Chay Yew.

Set in Singapore in the mid-60s, Beauty World is a musical melodrama about the adventures of a small town girl in the big city.

A heave, a tumble, a fond goodbye and our assorted heroes in ‘Army Daze’ are off on their first three-tonner ride down the bumpy path of recruit life.

Not Afraid To Remember focuses on the internment of Singapore teacher Elizabeth Choy by the Japanese during the Occupation in the 1940s.

An adaptation of Goose Pimples, the English black comedy by Mike Leigh about the steamier side of human nature.

Showing 20 programmes
Love & Belachan: The Creative Director, The Last of the Red-Hot Lovers, Love & Belachan

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Dreamkeepers: Avenue Of Dream & Second Chance (Double Bill)

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Safe Sex: As If He Hears & Jackson On A Jaunt (Double Bill)

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