With the new visual identity, T:>Works also released its new mission and direction.
With the new visual identity, T:>Works also released its new mission and direction.
T:> Works is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu.
T:> Works is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl vel accumsan tristique. Nunc quis risus nec felis gravida aliquet ut ut est. Nam rhoncus est vitae orci pellentesque mattis. Aenean quis mauris ut est varius feugiat vitae eu lacus. Aenean a nibh sed mi luctus hendrerit vel nec arcu. Nunc eget dictum felis. Nam quis tristique lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce consectetur ligula et sollicitudin varius. Duis sollicitudin, ipsum in iaculis convallis, massa est suscipit risus, et dictum nisi magna vel massa. Nullam eu neque vel neque ultricies ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec feugiat justo nibh, id pharetra quam posuere ac. Integer ut posuere risus, pharetra auctor mi. Phasellus arcu nibh, condimentum et fringilla vulputate, feugiat sed elit. Praesent a sem turpis. Nullam convallis porttitor nisl vel consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam egestas molestie est id laoreet. Nunc interdum fermentum urna, ac sollicitudin urna fermentum vel. Integer dictum sapien felis, imperdiet pellentesque est molestie in. In augue est, interdum sagittis gravida nec, efficitur sit amet orci. Etiam convallis purus et lobortis efficitur. Duis eu orci gravida, volutpat elit vitae, rhoncus libero. Integer ornare nisl volutpat turpis tristique, at malesuada massa elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum eleifend ullamcorper. Proin tortor nisl, ullamcorper id tortor a, semper interdum velit. Aenean id ultrices tellus.
Reminiscent of Chekov’s ‘Three Sisters’, the Makioka sisters are heroines setting out for the new world.
‘The Continuum: Beyond The Killing Fields’ is based on the real life story of seventy-five year old Em Theay, master dancer of royal classical dance in Cambodia, who survived the scourge of the Khmer Rouge.
Block 20 extends beyond aesthetics to question where borders lie today. How can we initiate creative interventions which would transcend borders? What are creative individuals suggesting as strategies for transcendence in the foreseeable future?
Experience the first airing of their winning scripts and watch how professional actors and directors bring their dramatic words to life.
Marriage of Inconvenience features a witty script that mirrors society’s prejudice and hypocrisy.
The Writers’ Laboratory, conceived by TheatreWorks Artistic Director Ong Keng Sen, is now entering its 12th year since its first inception in 1990.
The 24-Hour Playwriting Competition organised by TheatreWorks at Angsana Resort and Spa, Bintan, achieved great success, seeing more than 70 participants.
Alongside the conservative concepts of national, ethnic, or religious identity, new stories are emerging — the counter-myths, which are based on the lives of people, their specific experiences, with respect for their individual truths.
Four spirits in a ruined fort on an island spend fifty years in forgetfulness.
‘Desdemona’ is a dreamscape of discovering the She within the He, of discovering the other within the self, of discovering another culture within one’s culture.
A new programme of residences for individual Singaporean artists who are initiating international processes.
If you have a passion to write plays, create dramatic scripts and characters, here is a chance to unleash your talents!
The focus for the fifth FCP includes literary arts, philosophy and visual art. Over 50 participants, mostly artists, thinkers and cultural workers, will gather in Singapore for two weeks to meet and dialogue.
60’s Talentime meets Pop Idol! Catch the new TheatreWorks production that celebrates the dreams, naivety, passion, and youthful energy of four dreamers from different backgrounds in their quest for fame and stardom!
A powerful cross-cultural multimedia collaboration involving artists from Australia, Japan and Singapore, Sandakan Threnody takes its inspiration from the tragic events surrounding the death marches from Sandakan POW camp in Northeast Borneo in 1945.
Ma: Moment is presented in an architectural pavilion of reimagined old shophouses and cinema screens, built on the site of Chinatown’s infamous Death Houses.
Combine the excitement of writing a new script in 24 hours with the thrill of watching thoroughbreds race and horse owners cheer at the Singapore Racecourse.
The CAP is a one-year project of TheatreWorks that focuses on people-to-people collaboration.
Pulse is an eight-minute joyride of light, sound and video that will get your pulse racing. Set in a black box with a visual island, get ready to trip it out with us.
Lim Tzay Chuen is the graduation project of the pioneer class of the Theatre Training and Research programme, a 3-year, full-time, professional actor training programme which immerses students in four Asian classic theatre systems while also using modern actor training techniques from the West.
Bima Labuh focuses on the dignity of the Pendawas, and provides an opportunity for the puppet master (dalang) to present a discussion on philosophical and moral concepts through the varied and rich voices of the characters.
Alongside the conservative concepts of national, ethnic, or religious identity, new stories are emerging – the counter-myths, which are based on the lives of people, their specific experiences, with respect for their individual truths.
Hypnotically moody and sexy. A relationship between a man and a woman. One scene, one space, one story, and five different outcomes. Balance is a treat to rebalance your senses.
A strange tale of two men, Rex and Heng, who turn up at the home of listless friends Lina and Kim one day.
Once upon a time in an Asian city where people call each other comrades, there lives a powerful maverick Mayor who is hungry for foreign investments.
The Continuum: Beyond The Killing Fields is based on the real life story of seventy-five year old Em Theay, master dancer of royal classical dance in Cambodia, who survived the scourge of the Khmer Rouge.
30 plays will be performed over 30 nights at Theatreworks’ Black Box and around Fort Canning Park. The plays will be approached in various ways by a pool of Singaporean directors and actors, including much new blood.
A reinvention of an ancient Chinese myth that tells of the mortals and the gods who originally lived in eternal sunlight., The Silver River is a juxtaposition of Chinese opera traditions with Western sensibilities through its score and libretto.
Sandakan Threnody tackles one of the most complex and difficult issues of our time: how to think about war and the crimes committed in its name. It uncovers the very different but nonetheless shared wartime experiences of Australia, Japan and Singapore.
Inspired by Gautama Buddha and the musings of travel writer Pico Iyer, The Global Soul is a poignant tale of contemporary travellers in urban landscapes pursuing connection and contact.
In Search: Hamlet, Singaporean director Ong Keng Sen gathers twenty European and Asian artists in his search for a new Hamlet character belonging to a modern Asian-European culture.
The Continuum: Beyond The Killing Fields is based on the real life story of seventy-five year old Em Theay, master dancer of royal classical dance in Cambodia, who survived the scourge of the Khmer Rouge.
The Continuum: Beyond The Killing Fields is based on the real life story of seventy-five year old Em Theay, master dancer of royal classical dance in Cambodia, who survived the scourge of the Khmer Rouge.
Contemporary Asia is the focus of the 2000 edition of the ‘Flying Circus Project’, with the proposition that religious rituals and traditional arts are contemporaneous within their contexts. This contextualisation balances the continued exoticisation of Asia.
Desdemona is a dreamscape of discovering the She within the He, of discovering the other within the self, of discovering another culture within one’s culture.
Showing 35 programmes
Block 20 – The Continuum: Ancient Technologies, Borders And Transcendence (featuring EXOTICA!)
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Writers’ Lab – 5 Under 25 (Book Launch), Singapore Young Dramatists Award & 24-Hour Playwriting Competition (Dramatised Readings) (2003)
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Writers’ Lab – Singapore Young Dramatists Award, 24-Hour Playwriting Competition & Hearing Voices (2002)
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Writers’ Lab – 24-Hour Playwriting Competition & Singapore Young Dramatists Award (2004)
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Writers’ Lab — 24-Hour Playwriting Competition (2000) & Singapore Young Dramatist Awards (2000/2001)
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The Continuum: Beyond The Killing Fields (October 2001)
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Writers’ Lab — Charging Up Memory Lane: 30 Plays In 30 Days
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