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Key Words
Blogging, Cyborg, Desire, Dream, Fantasy, Future Memory, Identity, Internet, Machine, Make-Believe, Online, Posthuman, Second Life, Simulacra, Simulation, Social Experiment, Sound, Video, Virtual, Web Existence,About
It appears as if it was the potential of memories… such an irresistible space, where the binary meets, and where pleasures are invented.
Drift Net is an interactive, devised performance exploring the concept of the internet blogging phenomenon – blogging as a virtual way of living and reliving a moment in time, or perhaps even as future memories. People change identities, play different roles, and simulate a virtual life via blogging – shifting our perceptions of self, machine, and the world. We own memories and intentions, made possible by digital apparatus, enabling us to exercise our fantasies and notion of existing in this make-believe world. Drift Net taps into a man’s journey as he ventures into his second life on the internet, drifting between desires and dreams.
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